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Supplies & Materials for doing resin charcuterie board art on your own.
If you are coming to one of my in person workshops, all of the
necessary materials and tools will be provided for you! 

Mas Epoxies

My favorite resin is by Mas Epoxies

For charcuterie boards, I use the Table Top
Resin from Mas Epoxies. 

For 10% off on any order from
MasEpoxiescom use my referral code "MGART"

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Some of my favorite charcuterie boards from Totally Bamboo

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Safety Equipment to protect yourself and your surface

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Main tools for Setup, Mixing, Blowing out the waves, etc.

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Options for Coloring Your Resin
(Mica is good for shimmer & acrylic
is good for no shimmer.)

For the White Ocean Cells 

The specific brand and type of white pigment makes a big difference in being able to achieve the cell like Ocean Wave look. The brand that I have found works best for me is Just Resin Pigment in Titanium White found at this link: Just Resin Titanium White Pigment Paste

If you struggle for any reason to achieve the cell look this cell enhancing spray by Mermaid Trash is a great addition: Cell Enhancing Spray

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Tools for clean up:
Scraper & Sanding.

(Substitute regular sand paper to save money! The power sander just makes it way easier and faster!)

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